Wilma Vernocchi
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Italiano Inglese Tedesco
Wilma Vernocchi
Wilma Vernocchi
Welcome to Wilma Vernocchi's new site
The debut:
... Of Wilma Vernocchi, the Carolina of the occasion, it is enough to say that this year, she has won three or four of those competitions dedicated to the hopes of Opera. Here, in the "Matrimonio Segreto" she was perhaps a little wasted, as we are dealing with, not a Light Soprano, but rather with a bright and vibrant Lyric: we became aware of this when, in the farewell concert, she sang exquisitely Liu's touching aria from Turandot. But to go back the remark made previously, the young Wilma is seriously born for the theatre, and we'll talk about her again.
Eugenio Gara in the weekly "L'Europeo"

She remains one of the most refined and sensitive Operatic interpreters, a difficult art which she loves dearly, and which sees her today, still a protagonist, as Singer and Teacher.
... "This long, not easy Operatic experience has anyhow given me very very much. The Theatrical enviroment is marvellous, I can say that there my whole life has taken place, lived like I intended. Outside of the enviroment of the stage one is more inclined to appear; we, in front of the public must "be", must give the best of ourselves. When the curtain opened there was I, on the stage, with my anxieties, my complexes, my doubts and my difficulties. This is the beauty of the Theatre, of Opera, of Art." ...
Roberto Zoli in the monthly "Forlì-in Magazine"

E-mail: wilmavernocchi@gmail.com

News News

Seminario di alto perfezionamento in canto lirico nel borgo medievale di PREMILCUORE, sull'Appenino Tosco-Romagnolo dal 30 luglio all' 8 agosto 2024

Docente Wilma Vernocchi, soprano,
maestro collaboratore al pianoforte Liisa Pimia

In allegato il programma:


Concerti di Primavera 2024 - Casa di riposo Zangheri - Forlì

Concerti di Primavera 2024 - Casa di riposo Zangheri - Forlì

Allievi dell'Istituto Musicale Fondazione Angelo Masini Forlì, dopo il concerto lirico in casa "Pietro Zangheri". Gli artisti e allievi sono ritratti sotto l'immagine dello storico medaglione del tenore forlivese Angelo Masini (1844-1926) che ne fu l'emerito benefattore, come per la casa di riposo Giuseppe Verdi di Milano, oltre ai numerosi aiuti che Masini si prodigò per i befetrofi, collegi, carceri, italiani immigrati all'estero, oro per la Patria, poveri bisognosi, oltre alla donazione del monumento di Aurelio Saffi città di Forlì.

Foto concerto

Foto concerto

Italiano Inglese Tedesco
Utenti: 20 - 16/02/2025, 23:16 - accessi al sito: 272529